Emerald Dental Clinic i Kanazawa

JapanEmerald Dental Clinic



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2-chōme-1-37 Kanda, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 921-8027, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 76-225-3220
internet side: www.emerald-shika.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.5590092, Longitude: 136.6347295

kommentar 5

  • よっしーゆーや



    Since it's nearby, I went there with a lighthearted feeling. My dentist speaks quietly, but I don't want the person next to me to hear it, so it doesn't bother me, and he speaks in a gentle manner. The dental hygienist will also talk to you in detail, The office staff was also kind enough to find a time when I could schedule an appointment with my errands, even though I couldn't get an appointment. Also, all the staff are easy-going and I don't feel uncomfortable even when I hear the staff's communication. Sometimes doctors would scold dental hygienists and office staff even in front of patients. This is calm from beginning to end. However, it is difficult to make a reservation. I think it's a good idea to see a doctor before it starts to hurt.

  • みかづき



    I think the hospital itself is really nice, but when I go there every time I go, there's no parking lot, and there's no second parking lot, so it's really annoying... There's only one doctor, but they have so many reservations at the same time that they can't fit in the parking lot. I wonder what's wrong with that...If it's nearby, you can walk or whatever, but if you can only go by car, but if you can't park, you'll have no choice but to park in that area.I want something to be done about it...

  • Yuuko Kitano

    Yuuko Kitano


    Not recommended for people with fragrance or chemical sensitivities. Thank you very much for your help. The teachers and receptionists were all very kind and I am glad I chose this school simply because it was easy to get to from work. However, the towel that is placed on your face during treatment smells like detergent. I'd say it smells like Ariel or gel ball after rinsing...It's right on top of my nose, so it's like smelling undiluted detergent, which can give me a headache depending on my physical condition.

  • 大窪祐実佳



    I had Invisalign orthodontics done. I wasn't conscious of it when I started, but right around the time I finished my orthodontics, I started getting more and more jobs that involved standing in front of people and speaking in public, and I'm really glad I decided to get orthodontics back then. I am always grateful for your help. I look forward to working with you.

  • Warot an (わろたん)

    Warot an (わろたん)


    Parking is available in front. The facilities are clean and modern. I visited for dental treatment and tartar removal. The female staff was very pleasant and helped me with various consultations. However, when it came to treatment for cavities, I was told that I would have a silver tooth next time, so I only had to shave it twice in a row, or the same tooth was shaved over and over again, and I had to go back quite a few times every month. The treatment cost was also probably due to the fact that it was a back tooth, but when I went there, it was covered by insurance, but the cheapest course cost me nearly 30,000 yen. I feel quite distrustful. Payment can only be made by credit card if not covered by insurance. Otherwise, cash only. *This is almost the case in the prefecture.

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