Happy's Akasaka store en Akaiwa

JapónHappy's Akasaka store



🕗 horarios

809-1 Machikanda, Akaiwa, Okayama 701-2222, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 86-957-3454
sitio web: www.tenmaya-store.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7892837, Longitude: 134.0089181

comentarios 5

  • 螢モモ



    The overall settings are set low, making it easy to see and shop. The restroom is outside and between Suwaki Chinese Soba.

  • フミ



    There is a large parking lot, two rice milling machines on the same site, and a ramen shop. The store no longer sells clothing and has turned into a 100-yen corner. Other items sold included food, miscellaneous goods, and daily necessities.

  • むら教



    It was my first time going there, but the displays were very neat and I was able to quickly find and purchase what I was looking for.

  • 壽さん



    At dusk, customers were stopping by on their way home from work. Many customers were shopping. I'm sure the location is good.

  • アオちゃん



    When I went there for the first time in a while, the parking lot was spacious. (*^^*) There was also a parking lot for wheelchairs, etc. 🎵 It was spacious enough for wheelchairs and push carts to move around easily, and it was clean and easy for me to shop 🎵 A 100-yen store selling stationery and other items had opened in the place where clothing and other items had previously been sold. The entrance on that side was gone. The toilet was also clean🎵

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