A Coop Kumayama en Akaiwa

JapónA Coop Kumayama



🕗 horarios

480-3 Matsuki, Akaiwa, Okayama 709-0705, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 86-995-1281
sitio web: acoop-nishinihon.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7897491, Longitude: 134.0967842

comentarios 5

  • 宮崎利春



    Locally grown vegetables are plentiful and inexpensive. There are also vegetable seedlings. We recommend the side dish corner where you can see the cooking process right in front of your eyes. It's cheap and delicious. The seasoning of the sushi rolls is the best. 😃 There are more types of bento than before and I am enjoying them❗😃

  • ちょび髭ナマズ



    Since it is during the Obon period, supermarkets that are open from the morning are helpful. The only home center around me is Seven. Local people sell vegetables and fruits, so you can buy them cheaply. The meat and fish are also very fresh, so I always come here when I'm nearby.

  • M H

    M H


    It's a small place, so there aren't many items, but they also sell vegetables and fruits grown locally. Best of all, the meat is fresh and always in good condition. On Fridays, there's a yakitori restaurant in front of the store, and their yakitori is also delicious. The owner is also nice and friendly.

  • デブピザ



    There are supermarkets in the Wake and Seto areas, but I go here when I don't have the energy to walk around the store. The size of the store is also just right. Just in time, there was a sale on ice cream, so I was able to purchase it cheaply. 2 liters of Fanta costs 178 yen, so I feel it's expensive compared to Hello's. It's a supermarket in a small town, so I'm grateful that it's open.

  • どこにでもいるおっさん



    It is located a little far from the main road. The parking lot is quite large. There is a toilet outside. There are vending machines, a coin launderette and an ATM on site. Food, daily necessities, magazines...most things are available. The side dish corner is also recommended. Local food? There are also foods. We also have fruits and vegetables grown by local farmers, which I think gives the A-Corp character. I think there are many regulars and it has a homely atmosphere.

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