Marunaka Takaya en Okayama

JapónMarunaka Takaya



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36-1 Takaya, Naka Ward, Okayama, 703-8233, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 86-271-9500
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.673593, Longitude: 133.9606078

comentarios 5

  • ゆうエモン



    This is an Aeon affiliated supermarket located in Takaya, Naka Ward, Okayama City. It's quite large and always full of customers. There aren't many supermarkets nearby other than the supermarket in front of me that is so cheap that I get nervous, so I think people in the area mainly shop here. When I came to the store around 5pm in the evening, there were many kinds of side dishes, and I was able to choose as much as I wanted. However, the floor is extremely dirty! I don't think this is at the level where you can clean it and make it beautiful. I think it would be better to replace it immediately or lay tiles on top. I think it's a loss even though it's a good store.

  • Atsuhisa Osumi

    Atsuhisa Osumi


    If anything, it's always crowded, but the parking lot is ample size, so you won't have to leave without being able to enter the store. Personally, I'm disappointed that items I often buy often disappear from the lineup, but I find them useful for the time being. Maybe the building site could have been a little bigger.

  • 樹利



    The paid kids space was very nice! There is a wide variety of play equipment such as a play house, a fluffy slide, and a ball pool, and there is also an area where you can drink water freely and parents can wait, making it very comfortable for the child-rearing generation. There seem to be a lot of people on Saturdays and Sundays, so there might be some fighting over toys. It's probably one of the largest areas around here where you can play freely and have fun.

  • DL Allen

    DL Allen


    I prefer Marunaka over most grocery stores. They have a good selection and tend to be consistent with it. Unlike many other stores in the area, if they sell an item at one store, you will more than likely find it at their other stores.

  • 渡辺裕二



    Other than discount supermarkets in this area, this store has a reputation for being the cheapest, having a good selection of products, and having good customer service from the staff. In my opinion, the high points are that they have a lot of food for dogs and cats (I think the supermarket is the best in Okayama), and that they have a wide selection of fresh fish and alcoholic beverages. Unfortunately, it is inconvenient if you don't have a car as it is located along National Route 250, but Okaden Bus and Uno Bus are available for public transportation. We have partnered with Aeon and now have an even wider selection of products. Recently, the tenants on the second floor have also become very lively.

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