HAKUSUI no KURA w Minamiaso




🕗 godziny otwarcia

445-1 Shirakawa, Minamiaso, Aso District, Kumamoto 869-1502, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 967-62-2636
strona internetowej: www.hakusuinokura.com
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 32.8238794, Longitude: 131.0906079

komentarze 5

  • Miyapin



    While visiting the Shirakawa water source, I stopped by and had red beef bowl, red beef hitsumabushi, and horse sashimi. The red beef bowl was delicious, but the red beef hitsumabushi was even more delicious. The thinly sliced ā€‹ā€‹rare red beef was sprinkled over the rice, and had a texture that melted in your mouth. The horse sashimi is also delicious and very satisfying. It was so delicious that we stopped by again for dinner. It's more empty at night. However, please note that it closes at 3pm on weekdays.

  • ByeongKi Ko

    ByeongKi Ko


    Yakiniku, beef rice bowl restaurant I ate the loin beef rice bowl and the steak beef rice bowl. The food was okay, but it was disappointing that there was nothing special about it. I don't think the food is worth visiting and trying. The loin beef was tender and easy to eat. The sauce on top of the rice was similar to bulgogi sauce according to Korean taste standards. It was a fairly familiar taste. So I wasn't impressed. The steak rice bowl was not much different, but compared to the loin beef, it was tougher and difficult to chew. For my taste, I liked the loin beef better because it was inexpensive and had a soft texture.

  • Jacky Tao

    Jacky Tao


    Take the train and stop here for 1.5 hours to come to this restaurant. Very delicious horse meat and beef. Very recommend!

  • Aloysius Thng

    Aloysius Thng


    Average experience. Famous Red cow roast beef bowl was just average, softer than your average roast beef. Roast beef set was around Ā„1500, things to just try once and never the second time.

  • PHC



    Very unique restaurant for local cuisine, boss is helpful and friendly. Comment from Taiwan!

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