珈琲館 花いちもんめ w Nishihara

Japonia珈琲館 花いちもんめ



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2190-186 Komori, Nishihara, Aso District, Kumamoto 861-2402, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 90-4346-0990
strona internetowej: asocafe.blog.fc2.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8486299, Longitude: 130.9441029

komentarze 5

  • Yuka



    Second visit. Iced coffee is really delicious and I order iced coffee every time. This time I ordered a cake set, and the owner was smiling and talked to me, and the atmosphere was very nice.It's a coffee shop that makes you want to stay for a long time.

  • Mt



    I stopped by after descending from Tawarayama 🙌 Order coffee and daily cake ☕️ You can choose from three types of coffee with different bitterness and sourness, and you can also choose the strength of the drip! You can also choose the type of cup! As expected from Kyushu, there was a lot of Arita ware ✨ Of course, I also chose the Arita ware cup 😊 I chose the bitterest coffee, but it was the first time I felt that bitterness was delicious ✨ I also ate purple sweet potato cake for the first time in my life ✨ The master also seemed to like music, so he could choose the BGM as well♪

  • 米倉安美



    I went to Hanaichimonme with my daughter today. When I went inside, there were all sorts of things decorated, including coffee cups and cat decorations. It's a place I'd like to go to again.

  • 古村



    Curry 700 yen Coffee 500 yen Get 200 yen off when ordering rice and coffee together Refill coffee for 250 yen is a great service for coffee lovers. There are three types of beans: sour, bitter, and medium, and the beans are brewed according to the customer's preference.

  • kurumi t.

    kurumi t.


    It's a very delicious coffee. I'm a coffee connoisseur, so there's no doubt about it (lol) They listen to your taste preferences and make the coffee for you, so I think it's a bit of a culture shock for people who have only ever drank coffee from chain stores. The cafe latte is also really delicious. I'm also happy to have a system that allows you to drink at a lower price from the second cup onwards. The pasta is also the best in Kumamoto. (This is my personal opinion.) It was such a comfortable space that you could forget the passage of time while looking at the cherry blossoms, listening to the master's music, and having fun chatting. I would like to visit you again. postscript Today, I discovered the master's wife's homemade bread! This is a cute bread that looks like a miniature British bread. As an unparalleled bread lover, I received it as soon as I left the store and got into the car (lol) Eh! ! ! It's more delicious than the fresh bread from the popular bakery where there are long lines! Moreover, each one costs 100 yen! In a place like this? I never expected to find such delicious bread! ! I hope it's always there ♪( ´▽`)

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