Ichiran w Oita




🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-5-1 Benten, Oita, 870-0017, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 50-1808-2489
strona internetowej: ichiran.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.2564737, Longitude: 131.6148284

komentarze 5

  • hj lee

    hj lee


    傘、ありがとうございます There was no Ichiran around Uoita Station, so I walked about 40 minutes to get here. It was even more delicious than it was hard to get there. The staff were so kind that I felt all better! It's really delicious, so don't walk away and take the bus before the bus stops!!

  • Eve Ranasinghe

    Eve Ranasinghe


    Food was delicious especially the egg. Staff were really helpful and changed our order with no hesitation after we made a mistake. Has the option to make the booths individual or open them up. Food came very quickly. You fill out a sheet once you are sat down to pick how you want your ramen - eg spice level, how firm the noodles are, if you want meat, level of garlic, level of green onion.

  • leon khan

    leon khan


    One of the best ramen ever had. You can choose how you want your ramen to taste like, it’s a bit expensive compare to other ramen shop but worth the price.

  • matt saunders

    matt saunders


    Nice Hakata ramen shop in Oita. The atmosphere is very festive and the staff are great! You order a ticket from the machine, find a seat and then fill out a form which lets you choose the soup density, noodle soft/hardness, amount of garlic and spice, etc. Also, it’s cheap! And if you use the app, elementary school kids are free! My daughter wanted to rate it 10,000 stars. (I might have given 4 if it was based on the taste alone, but when everything is factored in, definitely 5*.)

  • Haseen Hasnain

    Haseen Hasnain


    Favourite ramen place! They surely do maintain the authenticity of their main branches in Hakata

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