Hakushikijyo w Kumamoto




🕗 godziny otwarcia

5-chōme-10-15 Hanatate, Higashi Ward, Kumamoto, 862-0918, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 96-374-6788
strona internetowej: www.hakushikijo.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7891487, Longitude: 130.7738338

komentarze 5

  • みつざきたかひろ



    I ordered Osechi ryori again this year. It looked beautiful and tasted amazing, I ate it all in one day. I ordered a lunch box to celebrate my mother's birthday. We received three types of pudding as a service. The bento box looked beautiful, had a lot of volume, and was delicious.

  • Camille McLennon

    Camille McLennon


    Today's lunch at work was Lieutenant Shiroki's lunch box. There were two rice balls and plenty of side dishes, and it was very delicious. The bento had a fairly fresh texture.

  • チョコミン党



    I used it for the first time to celebrate my friend's birthday. When I made a reservation in advance, they prepared a nice private room for me and I was able to relax without worrying about my surroundings. The food was delicious from the appetizers to the desserts, but personally I found the roast beef sauce and miso soup a bit salty. I ordered the Irodori set this time, so I will try a different menu next time.

  • はなこななん



    I use it for celebrations and when I want to have a little luxury. Lunch is popular and you can hardly get a reservation even if you call a few days in advance, so when you go, be prepared to make reservations far in advance. Maybe it depends on the timing. . . This year, I asked for a popular dish. My grandparents enjoyed eating sweet and sour pickled bayberry, thinking it was rare and nostalgic. It looks beautiful and will brighten up your New Year's table.

  • Flower flower

    Flower flower


    It's my favorite place. Not only is the food delicious, but you can also enjoy your meal slowly in a private room with a small garden. The staff are also kind, even providing bouncers for customers with children. If you use Google Maps directions, you will be directed to a place different from the entrance, so be careful if this is your first time. At first I went around in circles 😅

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