Sumiyoshi Dental Clinic i Fukuoka

JapanSumiyoshi Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-21-1 Mugino, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka, 812-0882, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-589-3589
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.5528513, Longitude: 130.4573186

kommentar 5

  • 広瀬悟



    I felt that he was a sincere teacher with thorough explanations.

  • おっちゃんちゃん



  • 中村和幸



    As expected from Kyushu University's former outpatient medical director! The explanations are accurate and easy to understand. As a dental technician myself, I have no doubts about his skill. Treatment that is perfect down to the millimeter and truly wastes nothing. We also use CT, which provides clear images and enables high-quality treatment. Nowadays, dentists who only do X-rays are no good. When choosing a dentist, don't be fooled by the opinions of amateurs. If you can receive this treatment by appointment and without waiting time, there is no need to go to Kyushu University Hospital, where the waiting time is horrifying. A dentist for life!

  • 村田佳代



    He was friendly and easy to talk to, and his explanations were very thorough. It seems like they take a lot of time with each person, and compared to the hospital I went to before, the treatment took less time, which was very helpful. I would also like to request maintenance here.

  • エル



    I had a toothache and called to make an appointment. I stopped making reservations because the phone service was so bad. If you don't want to feel uncomfortable, we recommend that you do not call.

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