Gong Cha Kashiwa Modi Shop in Kashiwa

JapanGong Cha Kashiwa Modi Shop



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒277-0005 Chiba, Kashiwa, 1-chōme−2−26 柏モディ 1F
kontakte telefon: +81 4-7113-5125
webseite: www.gongcha.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.8607006, Longitude: 139.9709117

kommentare 5

  • ぽぽたんぽぽ



    The brown sugar milk oolong tea was delicious! I want to try a different type next time.

  • yt



    Seasonally limited, sweet summer mango tea-ade (fruit tea) topped with nata de coco. The texture of nata de coco was nostalgic. The open terrace seats at the Munno (bakery) near the entrance were available to those who purchased Goncha!

  • ブルch



    I would appreciate it if you could share this information for those who are going for the first time 🤝 *Personal impressions are also included 👌 I didn't know where to park, so I parked at a nearby coin parking lot. There are a lot of people because there are various stores 🤔 If you go at night, it's empty so it's relatively easy to buy 👐 The clerk was charming and had a high likability⭕️ Tapioca will become hard over time, so we recommend drinking it quickly. It was delicious and not too sweet, so please try it once 👍 Like 👍 We are also waiting for your follow ♪

  • Juan Uribe

    Juan Uribe


    It's pretty good. I like their pearl tea and the service they offer. Compared to other Gong Cha shops, this one is relatively less busy.

  • Hiroshi T

    Hiroshi T


    Bubble tea as good as Taiwanese in Kashiwa! ! The tapioca is chewy and soft, and the tea tastes great. Tapioca oolong milk tea is delicious. You can customize the type of tea, amount of sugar, toppings (tapioca, jelly, etc.), amount of ice, and size to your liking. I think it's more expensive compared to Taiwan or America for its size, but it's in Japan so it can't be helped. It is located on the 1st floor of Modi in front of Kashiwa Station.

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