Backstube Zopf in Matsudo

JapanBackstube Zopf



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒270-0021 Chiba, Matsudo, Koganehara, 2-chōme−14−3 1階
kontakte telefon: +81 47-343-3003
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.8244222, Longitude: 139.9478891

kommentare 5

  • Thomas



    A takeaway only bakery that is super famous in the area and a perfect place for a midweek road trip break. The line can be quite ridiculous on weekends and holidays but there is a constant stream of food coming out so you don't have to worry about "missing out" The only reason I didn't give 5 stars is because there is a little of the "too many options" issue here where some of the choices I've had are excellent with others being "okay". Need to choose wisely and quickly to not hold up the line.

  • Blanka Kobayashi

    Blanka Kobayashi


    Definitely my favorite bakery in Matsudo. Prepare yourself for a wait. Might be just 10 min, might be long queue outside but it’s worth it. Really love coming here and always eat at least one piece of bread in the car on my way home.

  • Sofia P

    Sofia P


    The bread here is tasty and there are breads styled like European breads, which gives the shop a good degree of novelty. There are also many different kinds of bread. I like the dark bread with sunflower seeds and their danishes! They also allow support dogs and have a place to put your dog outside. They offer umbrellas for customers waiting in the rain 🌧️... Speaking not waiting, the line you have to wait in to get in can get to be from 40 mins to an hour...

  • Kaj Oreglia

    Kaj Oreglia


    A small, local bakery that make the most excellent pastries and bread. Is often very crowded so it's best to go early in the morning. There is also ample parking space if you come by car.

  • Hiroki Iwata

    Hiroki Iwata


    I had a breakfast at this cafe upstairs and then lined up for some bread. The quality of food was okay and bread was good but will I come back?!?! Probably no... it would’ve been a big YES if I was living within a 10 min walk away.

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