Latin Bar & Event Space El Coyote Kyoto 京都 河原町 木屋町 飲み放題がある 貸切できる店 ラテンミュージックバー エルコヨーテ in Kyoto

JapanLatin Bar & Event Space El Coyote Kyoto 京都 河原町 木屋町 飲み放題がある 貸切できる店 ラテンミュージックバー エルコヨーテ



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒604-8021 Kyoto, Nakagyo Ward, Minamikurumayachō, 280−1 キャニオンテラス 4F
kontakte telefon: +81 75-231-1527
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.0064082, Longitude: 135.7699079

kommentare 5




    We were surprised with the Latin vibes in this place. Amazing service and music.

  • Daniel Orozco

    Daniel Orozco


    One of the best latin bars in the whole city of Kyoto, come here and get your drinks, the food is delicious. Master was kind, she does Song Request by the way.

  • Berta



    I was really disappointed. This bar is advertised as latino but it is not latino at all, it’s just the usual bar. They don’t even play spanish songs.

  • CIprian Plesea

    CIprian Plesea


    Great bar, with great latino music and the owner is amazing! Super friendly and fun. :)She speaks English and Spanish!!

  • Brian Rooney

    Brian Rooney


    I have visited many Mexican themed restaurants during my 3 years living in Japan. This place would not be on the top of my list for authenticity, but their food was pretty decent, the service was good and the atmosphere is quite Latin inspired. It's clean and inviting. That being said, the food was nowhere near as spicy as I craved - although I'm quite used to that here...the Japanese tend away from spicy (they also don't care much for sour cream, so you don't see it often on menus here). The taquitos were rolled in flour tortillas, and were so thin I could not identify what the tiny strip of meat inside was - they came with a sauce that was more like a Hot and Sour Chinese shipping sauce than anything approaching Mexican salsa - but despite all that, they were delicious. The tacos plate was pedestrian, but pretty much exactly what I expected. The avocado and sausage salad was very unique - dressed with a thousand island minus the pickles (a dressing that seems quite common here). I chose this place because of its name - one of my favorite old Mexican restaurants in Los Angeles is El Coyote on Beverly Blvd. I never expected this place to match it - it was a completely different experience, but a pleasant one. Give it a try!

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