Gifu Red Cross Hospital w Gifu

JaponiaGifu Red Cross Hospital



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Japan, 〒502-8511 Gifu, 岩倉町3丁目36
kontakt telefon: +81 58-231-2266
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.4336757, Longitude: 136.7560055

komentarze 5

  • ハムハム



    I think it's because there are a lot of elderly people in Gifu, but it's too crowded even on weekdays. Also, you should stop asking your name and date of birth every time before the doctor's appointment.

  • 麻奈



    There are parking lots on the south and east sides, both of which are chargeable. The price seems to change even if you don't swipe your parking ticket at the reception desk, so it's best to remember to bring it with you. It's always crowded and there are plenty of seats in the waiting room. There is quite a bit of waiting time, so you need to be prepared. The female doctor who is in charge of me is very kind and not only examines my medical condition, but also politely responds to consultations about minor physical ailments and concerns. I have been taking care of her for about seven years, ever since she was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism (Graves' disease). As a result of my company's health checkup, I went to a local private hospital and was diagnosed with Graves' disease, so I had to have my thyroid removed right away. I was told that it was confirmed that I would continue to take medicine) and was about to write a referral letter to have surgery at a different hospital, but regardless of the onset of the disease, I had doubts about the removal (because I don't think any organs are wasted). (I'm someone who doesn't want to get my hair cut if possible), so I looked around at hospitals and found out that there was a specialist from the Thyroid Society here, so I went for an outpatient consultation without any further questions. If you do not have a referral letter, you will be required to pay a selected medical fee of 7,700 yen for the first time in addition to the consultation fee. I hesitated because the cost was high, but since it could affect my life, I paid the selected medical fee and went to see the doctor, even though I felt a little regretful. The results showed that it was definitely Graves' disease and that I was at the level of hospitalization, but I was told that I would be fine with drug treatment first, which made me feel very relieved. I continued drug treatment for about 5 years, and my symptoms went into remission, but I had a mild relapse and am still going to the hospital. I think it can't be helped as it is a disease that cannot be completely cured, but I am able to go about my daily life almost without any problems. I'm really glad I made the decision to seek treatment at this hospital when I first became ill. It would be best if there were no selective medical expenses and parking fees... I think everyone has different circumstances, so I hope this can be helpful. (2024.5.27)

  • ノリリ



    I was hospitalized for surgery due to deep vein thrombosis. All the nurses were kind and courteous.

  • 田中ナナ



    R6. Used for half-day medical checkup in April. It was completed within the time specified on the website. The exterior was beautiful, but the medical department where you would go for a comprehensive medical checkup was in an old building. The staff, doctors in each department, and laboratory technicians were very kind and kind, but the gastrocamera doctor (technician?) was the worst. No greetings, no call to start, no words even while operating the camera. The response was as if they were sticking a machine inside a machine rather than a real person. Throughout the examination, the nurses were rubbing my back and talking to me, and I can only express my gratitude to them. I'm sure gastrocamera doctors examine dozens of people a day and get tired of it at times, but they're professionals, so they should be professional. Doctors are also in the service industry. Please re-study your hospitality skills. I will never use a medical checkup here again.

  • 卯月一(はぢめ)



    The other day, my mother was taken care of in the ICU. He treated patients with little response in a kind and courteous manner, and even though he had a lot to do, he didn't feel rushed and spoke to me to make me feel at ease. I could only be grateful to the nurses who saw me off in short sleeves despite the cold.

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