Ichinomiya Nishi Hospital w Ichinomiya

JaponiaIchinomiya Nishi Hospital



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1番地, Hira Kaimei, Ichinomiya, Aichi 494-0001, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 586-48-0077
strona internetowej: www.anzu.or.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.3135049, Longitude: 136.7779353

komentarze 5

  • a y

    a y


    I went in for a health check. It was very nice and polite, but there was one disappointing thing. During my examination, my grandfather's doctor used a stethoscope to listen to my heartbeat, and he put his hand through my clothes and held the stethoscope directly against my chest. Even though he wasn't wearing any underwear, the nurse tried to pull his clothes up, but she stopped him. Nowadays, many hospitals check patients through their clothes, so they had to put their hands under their clothes, which was very unpleasant. I will go to another hospital next time.

  • KANAE Ito

    KANAE Ito


    It was my first time undergoing a medical checkup, and the changing rooms and waiting room were stylish and clean, so I was able to relax and feel comfortable. It was also nice that because it was in the afternoon, I was able to receive the service smoothly without having to wait too long.

  • sgzlz 123

    sgzlz 123


    I have experience with two other tertiary medical institutions in Aichi Prefecture, and in comparison, I personally feel that both the examination and the accounting process are smooth. I only have experience in obstetrics and gynecology, but I think the doctors are carefully selected and professional. The head of the obstetrics and gynecology department is soft-spoken, calm, and reliable with many qualifications. I underwent laparoscopic surgery and was surprised at how small the scar was.

  • Shibata M

    Shibata M


    I had been concerned about the introduction of PET CT for some time, and decided to undergo a medical examination because I wanted the best possible test. The person who was in charge of the explanation, the receptionist, and the person in charge of each service were all very considerate and I was able to entrust my body with peace of mind. One thing that bothered me was that I didn't have time to rest after the second PET CT scan, and I felt a little unwell. The chairs in the waiting room were a little hard, but there were armrests to prevent falling, so I thought the facility was well thought out.

  • Pola Hiramatsu

    Pola Hiramatsu


    Dr. Maki Kakuda from Gynecology department didn't take seriously my symptoms and send me away after a short chat (no tests!), moreover he based his diagnose on the information I provided from my illness history 2 years earlier without even looking. I was so shocked that I double checked the results with another doctor and we found out that I have chocolate cyst on one of the ovaries. Please take better care of your patients, mr. Kakuda.

najbliższy Szpital

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