Daiyukai General Hospital w Ichinomiya

JaponiaDaiyukai General Hospital


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-9-9 Sakura, Ichinomiya, Aichi 491-0036, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 586-72-1211
strona internetowej: www.daiyukai.or.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.3057118, Longitude: 136.80631

komentarze 5

  • 時時



    Maybe it's just the doctor who treated me, but it seems like people are reading this review, so if you have any questions or concerns that you don't want to ask the doctor, it might be a good idea to write about them instead of burdening them with them lol (In my case, the account name was my real name and I wrote the details of the treatment exactly as they were, so they found out lol) The best thing to do is to ask questions and ask any questions you may have during your consultation. As I'm sure you all understand, hospitals are always crowded. The point is that everyone is busy. If you don't say what you're worried about or have doubts about because you're worried about it or want to go home early, you'll feel uncomfortable, so don't worry about asking questions. And finally, I would like to thank the teacher who took care of me. (Kokan is the telephone contact point for Daiyu-kai. The response is...so please be careful. It's frustrating. )

  • Pap is on Japanese

    Pap is on Japanese


    As soon as I saw the patient being carried away in an ambulance, I was shocked to hear the attendant ask, ``Why did you send an ambulance?'' Dr. O.B. I get irritated when someone talks to me like I'm not worthy of calling an ambulance even before I see the doctor. Isn't it normal to start by asking, "What happened?" Kochitora facility assesses the condition and uses the ambulance appropriately. ? Do you have anything to complain about? Since I work at a facility, I hear about the good and bad things about your hospital through rumors. The doctor at your hospital is a bit picky when it comes to the emergency services before transporting the patient. I was given an explanation, but this is the first time I've ever had something like this explained to me in advance. However, the nurse G who asked me about my ADL upon arrival was polite and nice.

  • ちゃんさん



    This was my first time being hospitalized. I think it depends on the nurse, but the nurse named Y was really amazing. She was a genius at making fun of patients, and her comments were so disrespectful that she actually became depressed and went to a psychosomatic doctor. I've started going there. Good teachers stand out because they are good. Bad people stand out. If you don't like it that much, I think you should just quit because we both feel uncomfortable ^^

  • M884



    A hospital specializing only in tests that make money.

  • 1 Δ

    1 Δ


    A clerk who was threatened while being hospitalized to the nurse here and a correspondence is too bad meal is too tasteless

najbliższy Szpital

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