高原マーケットかよう en Kibichuo




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1974 Kita, Kibichuo, Kaga District, Okayama 716-1551, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 866-55-9018
sitio web: www.facebook.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8162196, Longitude: 133.7053742

comentarios 5

  • 猫猫。



    Every time I come here, I try to eat the blueberry 100 parfait! It's very delicious and you can get it for only 500 yen! I often eat it on the bench, but I also think it's good to have it while driving 😋

  • sokoneko



    Travel support coupons can be used. There is a watermill, a restaurant (last order 3:30 p.m.), a convenience store, and a variety of products. Convenience stores also sell local sake. I couldn't make it to the restaurant in time, so I bought some sushi and ate it. The vinegared rice is delicious! ︎As expected, the water is delicious and it is only available at Yonedokoro Sake Brewery. Gibier wild boar and venison are on sale, and I'd like to buy some next time. Depending on the item, you won't get much of a bargain, but you can still enjoy the local feel. Blueberry jam, juice, and fruit were sold in large bags🫐. Blueberry Taiyaki is only available on Saturdays and Sundays, which is a shame.

  • アコエマ



    Good for a toilet break 😋 Because it's a rural area, many of the customers are elderly. The parking lot is crowded 🤣😭 There is Lawson, but I bought bread at the roadside station❗️ The anpan was delicious, but I can't say the chocolate bread was delicious! It's a little sweet and grilled🤣 But 420 yen for 3 pieces is expensive😭🤣 Afterwards, various things were sold. vegetables and rice too I was curious about game meat. I'll buy it next time. I feel sorry for the medaka outside! Just because it's a fish Aquarium half frozen 😭 I guess I left it there for a long time 😅 I feel bad because it's a medaka😭

  • いちくちそいち



    They have everything from rice, vegetables, pork, game meat, folk crafts, Bizen ware, killifish, etc. It's fun just looking at them, and most importantly, seeing people I know exhibiting makes me feel nostalgic. Back then, I was young, worked hard, and had fun, and I'm filled with emotion.

  • n. Watson

    n. Watson


    It is a stable roadside station. The only downside is that it's almost always crowded. When I go to the Takahashi, Niimi, or Hokubo areas, I usually stop by as a rest stop. Local vegetables and fruits are sold at low prices, so you might end up spending more than you need. If you know you'll be here, bring a cooler bag so you can buy cold items. Grapes are delicious in September. You can get New Pione, Shine Muscat, Seto Giants, etc. at cheap prices. There is also a convenience store on the premises, making it a convenient place where you can find almost anything you need.

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