A Coop Takamatsu Ajisaikan en Okayama

JapónA Coop Takamatsu Ajisaikan



🕗 horarios

141-1 Takamatsu, Kita Ward, Okayama, 701-1335, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 86-287-6671
sitio web: www.ja-okayama.or.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6866874, Longitude: 133.8214569

comentarios 5

  • koh



    Domestic beef (not Wagyu) is cheap for meat, the fish is of good quality and recommended, the price of vegetables fluctuates quite a lot, the sugar content of fruits is not displayed so be careful, and the selection and prices of sweets are poor. It's also a shame that the clerk is very clerical. However, it is noteworthy that it is one of the few supermarkets in the countryside that accepts Paypay!! ️

  • 小林素明[大阪]パーソナルトレーナー



    This is a large supermarket located right next to JR Bitchu-Takamatsu Station. They also have a wide selection of products. It contains the bakery Kimraya.

  • 寺沢新子



    I stop by on my way to and from Kurashiki. Near Mogami Inari and Takamatsu Castle ruins. I'm looking forward to Kimraya's Takuan bread. It's an easy store to shop for, with fresh local vegetables and fish from the Setouchi Inland Sea. The fact that it's not too big makes it easy to shop.

  • ジュンコ



    The fish shop's sushi is delicious! ! The way the sushi rolls are rolled is also easy to eat! It's a shame that JA is not proactive about collecting transparent plastics, etc. Recently, the quality of bananas has declined. Perhaps because of how it was handled, it may look clean on the outside, but it's covered in bruises on the inside.

  • 久之永原



    Even though today is Saturday, all ice cream products are on sale for half price. Usually every Sunday, all ice cream products are half price sale. I wanted corn chocolate, so when I went to buy it, it was gone (*_*) Maybe it's because it's hot and the chocolate melts (^-^; There aren't many places to keep it Only A Coop is there (^-^)

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