Fujidana Udon en Saitama

JapónFujidana Udon



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Japan, 〒331-0052 Saitama, Nishi Ward, Mihashi, 6-chōme−14−7
contactos teléfono: +81 48-624-2509
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.9106398, Longitude: 139.5904403

comentarios 5

  • ふみ



    Visited for lunch on a weekday. It was around 11 o'clock and there were about 20 people waiting. Fill out the registration form and you will be guided in about 30 minutes. I had a large gravy udon and kakiage. A dipping sauce with plenty of pork and green onions. I enjoyed the springy and chewy udon noodles marinated. Please note that the large size is quite voluminous. Thank you for the meal.

  • takao ohsawa

    takao ohsawa


    It's already a famous store, so I'll leave the good stories to others. The main premise is that the udon noodles are very chewy and delicious. Tempura is served already fried. Therefore, you will get something different from piping hot and crispy tempura. The udon soup has quite a strong salty taste, and as someone who has grown older and grown in stature, I feel like I want to be more health conscious. Ideal for those who want to replenish their salt intake.

  • nomy fred

    nomy fred


    I always pass by this store on Sundays and public holidays, so the store is closed... This time it was a weekday, but since the world was on Obon holidays, I thought it was open, but it was open! So this is my first visit in over ten years. I returned home after finishing my errands around 1:30 p.m. I enthusiastically took Prefectural Route 2 in front of the store and took the up lane on the opposite side of the store toward Omiya Bypass, but the parking lot was full. I hesitated for a moment to give up and go straight through, but I decided to turn right at the traffic light in front of the store and head down a narrow road. A little further on, make a U-turn and go back to the front of the store, then turn left at the traffic light where you originally turned and go to the down lane on the side where the parking lot is located. I managed to get behind a line of cars trying to get into the parking lot. Then, the car in front of me entered the parking lot and was waiting for a space, and my car was still only able to pull over from the side of the road. However, right after that, a space that could only be accessed from the road became available, and the person in charge of the parking lot directed us there. It controlled the car running on the road and I was able to stop the car safely! Please write your name and number of people on the register in front of the store. After about an hour and 10 minutes of waiting, my name was finally called. At this point it was about 2:50 pm, 10 minutes before the original closing time. Of course, there are still people waiting in front of the store for their turn, so the store doesn't close at 3pm. When we finished eating and left the restaurant around 3:30pm, there were less than 5 groups of people waiting in front of the restaurant. Now, about the important part, the udon. I ordered the ``large gravy udon'' and the ``vegetable tempura''. My companion ordered ``Tenzaru no Nami''. It was served within 10 minutes of ordering. The "large" gravy was more than I expected, and I thought to myself that I should have set it to "medium." The noodles have the unique chewiness of Musashino udon, but the surface is white and glossy, so it feels smooth and chewy. The dipping sauce is similar to that of gravy udon, and contains pork belly, green onions, and fried tofu, and the sweetness of the pork works synergistically with the stock to create a delicious soup that brings out the flavor. This is served in a large bowl. ``Vegetable Tenmori'' is also a hearty dish with three types: vegetable kakiage, burdock kakiage, and sweet potato tempura. Of course, it was freshly fried, piping hot and delicious! In the end, I managed to finish the udon noodles which were very filling and delicious. My companion said that not only was the udon delicious, but the shrimp tempura was also very firm and delicious, so he was very satisfied. What we must not forget is the behavior of all the staff inside the store and in the parking lot. It was great to see that they were able to divide roles and collaborate very efficiently, and that they were able to serve customers in a brisk and courteous manner!

  • かずかず



    Simply the amount of udon is pretty big. You must be hungry when you come there. It was rainy day and we wait inside the car, we have to see the stuff coming off restaurant. Just a little bit strong dashi would make you happy.i recommend you to come there with some friend to eat additional topping manu.

  • Satoru Hori

    Satoru Hori


    Excellent taste of Udon!

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