SALVATORE CUOMO & BAR Omiya en Saitama




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒330-0854 Saitama, Omiya Ward, Sakuragichō, 1-chōme−6−92 HOTELメイン 1F・B1F
contactos teléfono: +81 48-642-7565
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.9044334, Longitude: 139.6226357

comentarios 5

  • のくゆう



    The pizza is so delicious! The toilet is in the basement. There was a nice atmosphere at night During the day, there are many female customers. It was quite lively. The clerk is very attentive It was comfortable. Anyway, the pizza is delicious! The beef was also delicious!

  • Sheryl Gim

    Sheryl Gim


    I enjoyed everything we ordered (see pictures). Also loved the service and ambiance of the restaurant. Best to come early on weekdays if you want to avoid the crowd. Will definitely go back to try their other dishes!

  • 藍藍



    It seems to be a popular restaurant that you can only get in for lunch if you make a reservation, so I was able to get in without a reservation at the right time, but several customers after me turned away. There was a pizza oven and it looked very delicious. This time I ordered simple spaghetti with Italian tomatoes and aged beef steak lunch. Has the concept of pasta noodles being al dente disappeared? It's so soft and not salty enough. The steak is so cold that you wonder when it was grilled, and it has a chewy texture like gum. For the first time in my life, I experienced ``biting off more than I could chew''.

  • R.B. Bailey Jr International Media

    R.B. Bailey Jr International Media


    Great food and service

  • greg winger

    greg winger


    Amazing food. Try the fried chicken and meat platters. Pizza is small but full of flavor. We spent one week in Omiya on business and ended up there twice.

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