Friend Mart Ogurayama i Uji

JapanFriend Mart Ogurayama



🕗 åbningstider

Hirao-27-1 Kohata, Uji, Kyoto 611-0002, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 774-38-1820
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.9297521, Longitude: 135.812075

kommentar 5

  • 型椎名



    The lady at the service counter here is extremely pushy. Honestly, huh? Why do you say that? Are you licking me? I almost burst out.

  • 匿名



    There was an eat-in space, and we also provided water.

  • さしみ



    I love watermelon and eat watermelon from various supermarkets, but the watermelon here is absolutely delicious. It's sweet and very fresh. Recently, I buy watermelon every time I stop by.

  • 岩本油美子



    Convenient local supermarkets where you can get your shopping done in a short amount of time. There is also a rest area near the entrance. They also have freshly made panconers. The parking lot is wide and easy to park. A kitchen carer also comes every other week. 🏧We also have a cleaning store and a drug store next door, so it's the best store in the area.

  • GLAY尚



    It was my fault for forgetting to charge the card in advance, but when I politely asked the cashier to pay the bill, an angry lady clerk told me that there were two charging machines at this store, so I could use my card, change, etc. was given to me roughly. When typing into the cash register, he operated it with the force of hitting the cash register. I wonder if the same attitude will apply to other people who forget to charge their batteries. . In the end, he even apologized. I was sad because this is a store I use often. I also work in customer service, and if I behaved like that, my boss would get angry and warn me about it. Everyone, don't forget to charge! An apology will be demanded! I don't want to wait in line at that person's register ever again. I'm sorry I forgot to charge it.

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