FREST Matsuiyamate i Kyotanabe

JapanFREST Matsuiyamate



🕗 åbningstider

2-2 Yamatechūō, Kyotanabe, Kyoto 610-0356, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 774-65-4120
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.832946, Longitude: 135.726787

kommentar 5

  • ura an

    ura an


    There is a wide range of fresh and delicious food, making it fun to choose. We also have a wide variety of reward ingredients and sweets. The population is also good, so you can shop comfortably.

  • 夏雨姫



    I feel like it's a very popular place. Are supermarket prices relatively high? Kaldi, Muji is good.

  • サンパチ



    There's a large parking lot and a Muji shop next to it. McDonald's and Kaldi are inside the store. There is also a drug store. If you don't have anything to do in Homsaeng, you won't have to go through the crowded COSTCO traffic to go to ◯◯shi! ? Is the product selection the same everywhere?

  • おかりん



    One hour of free parking is huge! Contains various facilities There's also a McDonald's rest area. The toilet was also clean, I'm glad. The supermarket is very crowded even on weekday mornings. Because it was popular Is it easy? I'll take a closer look again.

  • K Tommy

    K Tommy


    A major renovation was carried out at the end of last year, and the cash register, restrooms, tenants, etc. were completely renovated. I feel that eating in has become more comfortable and more enjoyable. The cash register system has been changed to a semi-self-service system (payment is processed using a separate machine). Traditionally, there are about two lanes of cash registers.

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