Seijo Ishii Kotochika Kyoto Store i Kyoto

JapanSeijo Ishii Kotochika Kyoto Store



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地先 Higashishiokōjichō, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto, 600-8216, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 75-353-3305
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.9863267, Longitude: 135.7602336

kommentar 5

  • Eagan



    Seijo Ishii Kotochika Grocery Store, conveniently located in Kyoto Station, is a culinary haven for both locals and travelers seeking high-quality groceries in the heart of the city. This store is particularly renowned for its exceptional selection of meats, seafood, and produce, showcasing the best of what Japan and international sources have to offer. The meat section features premium cuts that range from succulent wagyu beef to tender chicken and pork, all carefully sourced to ensure the highest standards of flavor and quality. Seafood lovers will be delighted by the variety of fresh fish, shellfish, and sushi-grade options available, reflecting the rich bounty of Japan's waters. The produce aisle is a vibrant display of freshness, offering seasonal fruits and vegetables that are ripe and bursting with natural flavors. From exotic varieties to everyday staples, the quality of Seijo Ishii Kotochika's offerings is evident in the taste and texture of their goods. The store's layout and presentation further enhance the shopping experience, making it easy for customers to find what they need while discovering new culinary delights. Seijo Ishii Kotochika Grocery Store stands out as a top destination for discerning food enthusiasts in Kyoto, promising an excellent selection of meats, seafood, and produce that cater to a wide range of tastes and preferences. Whether you're planning a gourmet meal or simply looking for the finest ingredients, this grocery store is sure to exceed your expectations with its quality and variety.

  • Jasper Olliver

    Jasper Olliver


    Sorry guys I don't have the photo

  • Ally



    Decent store Some package free items or in more sustainable packaging Friendly staff Fairtrade options Loose leaf tea 🍵 Vegan options

  • Senkan Koukuu

    Senkan Koukuu


    A small underground market that is located in the 'Porta' underground arcade near the station side. Both the variety of merchandise and prices are closer to a convenience store than a supermarket, however. E.G. the Shirobara milk famous in the Kansai area is a bit more expensive than in some of the other 'supermarkets', and on par with the convenience stores in the Kyoto Station area. I wouldn't see much reason to come here anyway when you have the Ebisuku and Yodochika market just a few minutes' walk away... it's pretty hard to find unless you're familiar with the Porta underground market.

  • Jacek P

    Jacek P


    Nothing even close to a supermarket, looks like they don't understand the definition. Annoying thing

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