FRESTA in Hiroshima



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Japan, 〒731-5152 Hiroshima, Saeki Ward, Itsukaichi, 下河内川坂41-1
kontakte telefon: +81 82-927-6688
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Latitude: 34.4076783, Longitude: 132.3546834

kommentare 5

  • amamamam amamo (アマモ)

    amamamam amamo (アマモ)


    A small Fresta that has been around for a long time in this area. It's natural that the side dishes are delicious since it's Fresta, but the quality of the fruit is mediocre. Also, there are a lot of things that customers are disappointed about, such as when they come to Fresta's flyer and see that this is the only place that isn't on sale, so I think they should improve that.

  • ひろひろ(ひろ)



    easy to use. They have a wide variety of products, and the prices aren't that high, so depending on the item, you can find it cheap. There is also a shop specializing in alcoholic beverages in the parking lot, so it was very convenient as I could buy some things there.

  • ブラックサンダー



    All the staff are smiling and polite, and I think it's amazing every time I stop by. Perhaps because it's in the countryside, the atmosphere is warm and homey. The side dishes are very delicious. The fried food isn't oily at all, and it doesn't get soggy even after a while.

  • 蜜


    It's a little small, but it feels like a supermarket that is rooted in the area.

  • David Carrillo

    David Carrillo


    Smaller Fresta. I was there only for quick drinks and onigiri for my bike ride. Small selection of prepared foods and small refrigerated section of drinks. Plenty sufficient, just not a big Fresta with all choices and amenities I'm accustomed to visiting.

nächste Lebensmittelgeschäft oder Supermarkt

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