Food D 365 Eniwa Shop i Eniwa

JapanFood D 365 Eniwa Shop



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒061-1409 Hokkaido, Eniwa, Koganeminami, 6-chōme−10−4
kontakter telefon: +81 123-39-5555
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.8916675, Longitude: 141.5971921

kommentar 5

  • a k

    a k


    Things are not good and not cheap. We have a large selection of items and are open until late, so only when it's really special. The cashier's rubber gloves are dirty. I think you can still keep it clean with your bare hands.

  • Ashley CY

    Ashley CY


    The display of things is a bit messy, and the fishy smell near the sashimi and sushi may be due to not being cold enough. Around six o'clock in the evening, there are no lunch boxes or cooked food, and there are not many discount items... Use Hokkaido's Kuroge Wagyu beef with instant noodles for a little enjoyment. Although the chicken skin skewers and chicken skewers are not on sale, the price of the eight skewers is pretty good, and it goes great with green peppers.

  • Speed Rabbit

    Speed Rabbit


    Nice local supermarket with English speaking staff.

  • jonathan foo

    jonathan foo


    Small place but supplies are there.

  • F T

    F T


    It is ok for everyday thing

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