えず総合診療所(頭痛外来・泌尿器科・リハビリ・内科) en 熊本市東




🕗 horarios

510-1 Ezumachi Ōaza Shigedomi, Higashi Ward, 熊本市東 Kumamoto 862-0962, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 96-214-8787
sitio web: www.ezu-clinic.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.7626793, Longitude: 130.7295961

comentarios 5

  • ミミーアサ



    I took my daughter to the headache outpatient clinic. I have had severe headaches since middle school. I'm taking painkillers I should have seen a doctor sooner. From the first time I took the prescribed medicine I don't seem to have any headaches at all. The teachers and staff were also very kind.

  • willpowerdrive



    The reception staff and nurses are both excellent. In recent years, after the founder's passing, the hospital has been replaced by several doctors in each department, and the director has also been replaced. Although the director is quiet and unfriendly, he seems to be a veteran. It's good if the doctor is good. Nurses will follow up on difficulties. The parking lot is quite large. The waiting room is comfortable. The surrounding area is mostly residential, but it's also a medical battleground with many clinics, so I hope they do their best.

  • Tsuka Mix

    Tsuka Mix


    Thank you for taking care of me as an outpatient for fever. I was worried about the results due to the coronavirus, but I felt at ease as they answered my questions politely. I don't want to get sick, but I would like to use it again 💦

  • m “むーみん” o

    m “むーみん” o


    I was admitted here to attend Kumamoto Radiosurgery. We also provide transportation every day. The director kindly listens to my health every day, and the wonderful doctors take care of my rehabilitation for about an hour. Even though I was feeling weak due to chemotherapy, the nurses cried with me as they listened to me, sometimes made me laugh so much that my stomach hurt, and we had a really happy time together. . The rice is also of high quality and very delicious. My heart is full of gratitude. thank you very much.

  • Jaydoo lascoña

    Jaydoo lascoña



El hospital más cercano

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