Fukuda Hospital en Kumamoto

JapónFukuda Hospital



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-2-6 Shinmachi, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 860-0004, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 96-322-2995
sitio web: www.fukuda-hp.or.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8000889, Longitude: 130.6987098

comentarios 5

  • adebayo Falohun

    adebayo Falohun


    Waiting time is long but what can you expect... it is very popular with the locals. The service is good, the room is decent and the restaurant at the top was nice.

  • yo kou

    yo kou


    One of the best hospitals in japan compared to the ones in Tokyo. Some doctors speak English. Nurses , doctors are very nice and helpful. They pay attention to every details or things you say. I gave birth there and for one week I felt like living in a hotel/ spa. Food, treatment were great. They check on you every hour. They check if the baby latches well, they give you a breast massage. You don’t need to bring anything with you to the hospital; they provide everything. Clothes for the baby and pyjamas for the mother, even skin care.

  • Yasmin Khanom

    Yasmin Khanom


    Went on a weekday around 2 pm. If you need an English speaking doctor, call ahead to ask if there is one available that day and then when you arrive ask again at the reception. Altogether, it took about 1.5 hours to see someone.

  • Niraj Chaudhary

    Niraj Chaudhary


    I found everything good; treatment, services and exterior, I highly recommended. I am much satisfied. Although I was not able to communicate due to my limitation but each staff try their best to make me understand. I really wonder to find some bad experience by some people. I think individuals environment also depends on their own attitude. So far this hospital is the best choice at Kumamoto city

  • Kamelia Stanoeva

    Kamelia Stanoeva


    Review updated, in a nutshell NOT recommended. As many Japanese hospitals, a clinic focusing on the exterior (hotel-like experience, meals, keigo, etc) and not on the quality of the medical service. Some English is spoken by the staff, though expect to be filling forms in Japanese and be patronized about what should be done to you and not be asked about your symptoms/opinion. Impressions on: -the gynecology side: the owner Fukuda not being able to locate ovaries with the echograph or take a vaginal swab properly speaks for itself. Trying to administer medication vaginally without patient's consent and mocking you whether you will sue him, is whole new dimension of medical incompetence. Fukuda admits directly he is abusing the health insurance coverage and is proud of it. Big queues and 1-2h waiting times. -obstetrics side: 2h waiting time with appointment. A single female obstetrician - Dr. Azumi adequate enough as MD and speaking English. Anesthesia during labour is discouraged, offered at additional price, after paperwork and only in working hours. No possibility for emergency Caesarian outside working hours (no anesthesiologist present) They'd rather do an induction in working hours or opt for a planned Caesarian to spare trouble communicating with foreigners. The hospital participates in the Town hall program for direct transfer of funds, but will charge epidural anesthesia as luxury service along with the choice of rooms. -neonatalogy side : cannot comment much.

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