ć‚Øć‚¹å°ęž— w Kitakyushu




🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-2-2 Mitsusadadai, Yahatanishi Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 807-0805, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 93-603-3688
strona internetowej: www.s-kobayashi.net
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 33.8809814, Longitude: 130.7149798

komentarze 5

  • Mami



    It was a relaxed and enjoyable dinner where we were able to enjoy delicious French food in a casual, informal setting. Thank you for the meal.

  • kon konkon

    kon konkon


    The chef is passionate about cooking, and his wife is friendly and willing to talk. A certain number of people gathered and we had a very enjoyable time. Almost all of the ingredients are made with ``ā—‹ā—‹-produced ā–”ā–”'', so it can't be helped that the price goes up, but the taste of the food was very delicious. At this time of year, all French restaurants often serve white asparagus, heralding the arrival of spring, but until now I had never thought that the taste was so impressive, but this was the first time I tasted the sweetness of asparagus. I typed šŸ˜Š

  • ć²ć§



    I recommend it. It may seem like an expensive shop, but it's not that; it's a casual and very nice shop. No matter what you eat, it's always delicious. If there's anything you don't understand, just ask your bright and kind wife and she'll tell you anything.

  • Y



    I went with a friend because the reviews were good. I ordered a lunch course meal for 2,800 yen, and it was delicious and extremely satisfying from start to finish. I think I want to go again. Isn't every dish delicious? I felt that. So I will go again! !

  • 恕ćØćæ



    This is my third visit. Every time I answer the phone, I feel unfriendly (sorry for the truth šŸ’¦), but I'm impressed by the amazing foodā£ļø This time, I made a reservation over the phone because it was my birthday, but I couldn't surprise myself... The wife who figured out that it was my birthday from the conversation? Thanks to the chef's smart plan, we were able to enjoy the birthday plate (with candles).šŸ˜Š The fruit seems to be rarešŸŠ, and I enjoyed the sweetness that I had never tasted beforeāœØ Thank you m(*_ _)m

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