エスカーレ en Osaka




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Japan, 〒540-0001 Osaka, Chuo Ward, Shiromi, 2-chōme−2−22 15F
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6944-7481
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6938295, Longitude: 135.5326409

comentarios 5

  • Giacomo Celeste

    Giacomo Celeste


    I tried to book at this restaurant but they said it was closing time despite I was on time for their last order at 8:30. (I was trying to reserve for 8:20. It's a pity..

  • Y “明石の飯だるま”

    Y “明石の飯だるま”


    Hello, this is Idaruma from Akashi. I received an invitation ticket and visited Escalate. From the appetizers to the desserts, the food was gorgeous and I was able to enjoy the food with my eyes. The food was very delicious and it was great to be able to remember wedding ceremonies from the past.

  • 510



    The arrangement is beautiful! Of course, the taste is also great. Perhaps it was just a coincidence, but due to the lighting, a rainbow appeared on the napkin and it was beautiful. Apparently they have afternoon tea for lunch, so I'd like to try that next time.

  • Ruy Hayashihara

    Ruy Hayashihara


    Fabulous. Delicious food, wonderful service and spectacular views. I recommend.

  • Jerry



    Exquisitely prepared food. Everything tasted great. They prepared a nice anniversary plate for us.

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