Yakiniku Restaurant Matsui en Osaka

JapónYakiniku Restaurant Matsui



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒534-0024 Osaka, Miyakojima Ward, Higashinodamachi, 3-chōme−8−1 焼肉レストラン松井
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6352-4529
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6981656, Longitude: 135.5344957

comentarios 5

  • チッチョリーナチビ



    Kyobashi is a good place! This yakiniku restaurant is located on the Grand Chateau side, which is famous for its local commercial in Kansai, and is located in a place lined with other deep-fried restaurants! Kyobashi, a town where male office workers walk happily! It is dangerous for women to walk alone (´ー`) I used to come here often with my family when I was little, so I decided to go there myself as an adult! Kyobashi is an amazing city! The interior of the yakiniku restaurant has the feel of an old-fashioned yakiniku restaurant, and there is also a counter so you can eat yakiniku by yourself! Order skirt steak, bone-in short ribs, loin bibimbap, and more! I often ordered cold noodles, so I got that as well! Homemade noodles have elasticity and firmness It's really delicious! I learned that my love of food is inherited from my father! Thank you for the meal!

  • ヤマケイランチ



    Speaking of a long-established yakiniku restaurant in Kyobashi, this is the one. This is a yakiniku restaurant where any number of people can go, including solo travelers and families.

  • べらさdcグティエレス



    A yakiniku restaurant located in the crowded entertainment district on the Grand Chateau side, about a 2-minute walk from Kyobashi Station. I stopped by during weekday lunch time and ordered the top skirt steak set meal for 2,350 yen. There are many yakiniku restaurants in the area, including famous chains, but the reason I stopped by this place was because of the cool exterior that gives it the feel of a long-established restaurant. When I tried it, the meat was quite tasty, but the quantity was overwhelmingly small for the price. I will definitely choose another restaurant when I eat Yakiniku in Kyobashi in the future.

  • 齋藤たけし



    After drinking alcohol, I ordered cold noodles. This is a shop with the atmosphere of a long-established store! The inside of the store was quite clean and tidy. The cold noodles had a light taste and were easy to eat as there was no unnecessary seasoning.

  • Kelly_choi_happyume Osaka

    Kelly_choi_happyume Osaka


    I went there tonight! I heard from a friend that it's famous in Kyobashi and stopped by! But the taste was not good at all. The loin meat was rotten. It smelled so bad that I threw up as soon as I bit into it. Is this kind of meat okay? When is the meat? Moreover, even though I ordered skirt steak and loin, there were only two pieces of real loin meat. I coated it in the sauce, but when I turned it over, the color of the raw meat had changed. Sundubu is not thick and just salty! It's been a long time since I found a yakiniku restaurant that tasted so bad. I hope other customers don't feel this way. I want you to pay attention to your cooking.

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