Chuka-soba Koyoken en Osaka

JapónChuka-soba Koyoken



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3-chōme-20-14 Fukaeminami, Higashinari Ward, Osaka, 537-0002, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6972-8833
sitio web:
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Latitude: 34.6689887, Longitude: 135.5611264

comentarios 5

  • no ta

    no ta


    ⚠Tuesday is a holiday in the first month⚠ This will not be reflected in the business hours, so please be careful if you are planning to go. It may seem like a lot of work because you're managing the whole thing by yourself, but when you're tired, the soup oozes out a lot ☝️ The noodles are also chewy and thick and delicious. I would like people who like thin noodles to try it too.

  • カートさん



    [2024.5] I had Chinese noodles (650 yen). A simple but wonderful soup with a great soy sauce flavor. It tastes like all the flavors are concentrated in the original soy sauce. The noodles are chewy and medium-thick noodles that are fun to chew. It really makes you feel like you are eating noodles. The unpretentious atmosphere inside and outside the store gives you a sense of the character of a long-established restaurant, which increases your ability to concentrate on enjoying the drink in front of you. A long-established store that started as a food stall in 1953 and is said to be the originator of the Takaida style.

  • S H

    S H


    This restaurant is one of the two that are said to be the originators of Takaida-style ramen. Takaida-style ramen is famous for its black soy sauce ramen, but the soup at this restaurant is just the right thickness, and the one I ordered this time was the kake ramen, which is said to have no toppings. It has a basic Chinese soba atmosphere, but the soup is delicious with the oil from the lard and the flavor of the chashu broth. Moreover, the noodles are soft and delicious. In particular, the soup was poured exceptionally well, kept hot till the end, and was delicious. It certainly tastes like Chiba prefecture's local ramen Takeoka-style ramen or Arirang ramen. It would be nice if you could add a little spiciness or change the flavor.

  • こさぶろう



    It is a representative of Takaida-style ramen. The rich soy sauce soup and extra-thick straight round noodles give you the feel of an old-fashioned, simple ramen. I'm also happy that it's open from early morning.

  • U U

    U U


    About between Fuse and Fukaebashi. I didn't have much time walking, so I rented an electric cycle in Imazato. It's Rakutin. It opens at 9am, so it's nice to be able to eat ramen in the morning. Hunger in the morning is unbearable, and my sense of taste is also sensitive. Visited at 10am on this day. Even though I felt guilty, I ordered chashu noodles. Since the noodles are thick, they take a long time to boil, so it takes about 10 minutes to prepare the bowl. The soup and chashu served in an aged bowl will whet your appetite. A light soup that can be eaten in the morning. The salty taste of the soy sauce comes through. Delicious. The shredded chashu mixes with the soup, making it even more delicious. I definitely recommend chashu noodles over Chinese noodles. Menma is a rare and sweet type. It's a nice accent. There is an additional soup base on the table, so in the second half, you can add more flavor to your taste buds, which have become accustomed to soup. Chushu noodles in the morning are the best! *Throw tissues in the trash.

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