Ebisuya i Fuji




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2 Kawanarishinmachi, Fuji, Shizuoka 416-0955, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 545-60-1636
internet side: www.instagram.com
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Latitude: 35.1376384, Longitude: 138.6637835

kommentar 5

  • クロミィ



    A long-popular taiyaki restaurant in Fuji City🐟 Previously, we operated in a small shack-like store at the location of the Ministop Fuji Yayoi store, and every time we passed by, there would be customers' cars parked on the street 🚙🛻🚛🚜🏎 In addition to the regular red bean taiyaki, we also have seasonal taiyaki, okonomiyaki, takoyaki, yakisoba, and more, making it a carbohydrate heaven where komon is the main ingredient. Taiyaki has a fluffy texture all the way down to the tail feathers, which may be a difference in taste. Shake drinks are also available, so you can kill time while waiting in the eat-in space. If you make a reservation over the phone before you go, you will be able to pick it up quickly without having to wait for it to be baked.

  • Q Sou

    Q Sou


    Always a powder shop. I have loved it since the Denpo era, over 30 years ago. We will update the new prices and menu.

  • Karolína Řičánková

    Karolína Řičánková


    Perfect! ❤️

  • M



    I thought it was a stand type shop, but it turned out to be a proper shop. Arrived at 11:07 on a 3-day holiday. Is it takeout? Some people are waiting. When you buy a meal ticket, you will receive a copy with a number written on it. Pick it up when called. I want to eat freshly made yakisoba, so I eat the yakisoba at the restaurant. I thought it would be a light feel like a eat-in, but it turned out to be a sturdy table. There is also a screen. It continues to be made by a large number of people. If this many customers come, it's natural. Waited about 20 minutes to receive it. ◆Meat and egg yakisoba 570 yen ◆Red oniiyaki 150 yen It's similar to Fujinomiya Yakisoba, but the noodles aren't as hard and are chewy and delicious! It's nice to have just the right amount of cabbage. I thought the egg was a fried egg, but there was a fried egg on top. So-called Omu Soba. The taste is a little strong, but it's tolerable. Taiyaki is delicious with red bean paste! It's moist and watery, the grains remain, and it's not too sweet. Meal ticket system Reservations can be made by phone 5 tables Large parking lot

  • ra ra

    ra ra



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