鉄板焼ちゃん 富士宮バイパス店 i Fujinomiya

Japan鉄板焼ちゃん 富士宮バイパス店



🕗 åbningstider

6 Nakaharacho, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka 418-0002, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 50-5485-1249
internet side: chan-fujinomiyabypass.gorp.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.245237, Longitude: 138.618243

kommentar 5

  • ドン・レミーグ



    For lunch on weekdays, we recommend the buffet. It's delicious with fresh noodles. Shigure Yaki doesn't know what is the correct answer.

  • 永井真人



    Lunch buffet 980 yen. Is the buffet menu just barely affordable? The curry is not good❌, the sweet fried chicken is delicious⭕️, the others are sausage❌, fried egg normal⭕️, shinko normal⭕️, okonomiyaki🔺, yakisoba🔺, miso soup⭕️, etc. Customer service❌

  • ちゃんけん



    I went to a weekday lunch buffet 👀 For 980 yen including tax, sub menus such as okonomiyaki, yakisoba, wiener, fried chicken, salad, etc. are randomly placed on a large plate in the refill area. There was also rice, curry, miso soup, and soft drinks💡 The buffet menu didn't seem to be added or updated that often, so as you can see in the photo I posted, the menu was really lonely💦 But it was delicious, and at 980 yen, it's quite a good value, so I have no complaints. The lunch buffet is only available during weekday lunchtimes, so the hurdles are quite high😭

  • Kenichi Satomi

    Kenichi Satomi


    The oil on each table was lard! The Monjayaki was also delicious. If you want to eat takoyaki, please sit at a table with a takoyaki plate. The store staff was also kind. I will go eat there again!

  • Chris Shaul

    Chris Shaul


    Good food, decent service

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