Ebisupana yabe branch w Yamato

JaponiaEbisupana yabe branch



🕗 godziny otwarcia

614 Jōhira, Yamato, Kamimashiki District, Kumamoto 861-3515, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 967-72-0019
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.6888601, Longitude: 130.991908

komentarze 5




    This is the only supermarket around here so I used it. The prices are high and the quality of vegetables is very poor. I have no choice but to use it.

  • 那須健児



    I used it often when I went home. The free section has been extended from Kashima JCT and connects right in front of you. The roadside station (Tsujunbashi) has been moved next door, and I feel like it's much more crowded than before. The inside of the store has the atmosphere of an old-fashioned supermarket, but it has a wide selection of vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, alcohol, and other products. There are also side dishes. There is also a small 100 yen corner. The parking lot is wide and easy to use, and many people use it for a break.

  • 猫山アキアキ



    There is a roadside station in Yokohama, and there is also an expressway nearby, so please drive safely as there will be traffic congestion. Don't worry, don't panic. Sometimes the roadside station is full There were several cars parked in this parking lot.

  • 山田作蔵



    Regional core supermarket price is normal

  • Chris



    This is a great little local supermarket. They have a good selection of fresh produce, meat, and just about anything else you might need from a supermarket.

najbliższy Supermarket

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