えびがせファミリー歯科 en Niigata




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3008番地 Ebigase, Higashi Ward, Niigata, 950-0806, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 25-385-6074
sitio web: www.ebigase-dental.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.932914, Longitude: 139.123179

comentarios 5

  • O A

    O A


    It was very helpful that I was able to have my tooth extracted quickly during the tooth extraction procedure. The assistant and hygienist were kind and polite. I would like to come back if my tooth hurts again.

  • mami助



    I added a star because the tooth that I was told could only be extracted at another hospital took about 2 months to be treated without having to be extracted. However, as other reviews have said, the doctor doesn't give any explanations.The treatment starts after a few greetings, and the treatment is done without really understanding the treatment, and when it's finished, the doctor isn't there. I don't have time to say thank you lol Also, I move a lot and am basically a gypsy dentist, but this is the first time I've encountered a doctor who leaves the room without saying a word during the procedure. With my mouth open, Professor, I'm going somewhere. Can I close it? Did you knock over your chair? ? w The policy seems to be to do it little by little without anesthesia. But it's painful, so I'm changing dentists... Also, the treatment is complicated! I get hit pretty hard. Damn it hurts. If you don't have anesthesia, I want you to take your time and not do it. I think it's because I was away from my seat for a long time during the last root canal treatment, but my gums are swollen and Loxonin doesn't work anymore. I made a reservation elsewhere. And in this day and age, slippers are not sterilized. It's normally on the shelf. I'm scared of athlete's foot. anyway. What's wrong with leaving without a word? ? It's funny how he suddenly came back and opened his mouth in surprise lol

  • もえくらげ



    The greatest teacher? His attitude was so bad that I stopped going halfway through treatment. Or a rookie who is too bad? It was the most painful thing I've ever had. Perhaps because the person was unable to say anything due to the overbearing attitude of the great doctor, he treated my teeth on his own, and after the treatment was finished he asked, ``Why did you do this treatment?'' ``Did you check this? You didn't. I was told things like, ``If you do that, you'll be in big trouble.'' It was really scary.

  • マロンまろん



    As others have written, there is no explanation at all about the treatment, or they don't say anything, just sigh. If I didn't ask for anesthesia every time, they wouldn't give me anesthesia, and even after anesthesia, they would start scraping the area right away, so I was in a lot of pain, and I was nervous during the treatment because I didn't know when the pain would start. I stopped going, wondering why I had to go through such a scary experience. In addition to the treatment, the dentist's attitude towards the dental assistant and the way he spoke to her was terrible.Even if I wasn't the person who was being told things like, ``Hey! I told you to do it,'' and ``Don't you know that?'' I felt really bad. It was. It's very easy to make a reservation. Isn't that so?

  • はの



    Good: Easy to make reservations. Reservations can be made once a week. The treatment will be completed quickly. Poor: There is almost no conversation with the teacher. Just treat cavities. I was very scared to go there without knowing anything about what was being done or what kind of treatment I would receive. Even if the patient says it hurts, the patient ends up saying, ``It hurts,'' and the treatment continues without pain. Treatment is almost forced. I couldn't get a towel to cover my face, so I ended up splashing water all over my face. Uncomfortable. This didn't suit me because I want them to explain the treatment and tell me what to do next when I'm cutting my teeth. Also, I don't like pain, so I didn't like not being able to get anesthesia because it really took a toll on my mental state. But I think it's perfect for people who want to get rid of cavities right away.

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