Dyeing and Hostel NAKASHIMAYA w Kumamoto

JaponiaDyeing and Hostel NAKASHIMAYA



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-11-11-6 Shinmachi, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 860-0004, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 96-202-2020
strona internetowej: nakashimaya.ikidane.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7987598, Longitude: 130.6980484

komentarze 5

  • M Go

    M Go


    A great hostel - very clean ! The location is convenient as next to the bus terminal and 2 stations away from the main train station (or 15 minutes by walk) There is not towel nor shampoo at your disposal so you will need to buy it from them. The first time I am seeing that in Japan! For female travelers only

  • Noga Brami

    Noga Brami


    This hotel was so well designed! I arrived only for one night. The lady in the front was very kind and helpful. After 10pm, you need to enter a password to get in. I took a single room and the futon bed was comfy, the only problem is the walls were almost literally paper thin, you can hear the person next to you or someone walking or even entering the hostel at a late hour. This was still a cute and lovely hostel and I will come back again

  • Noémie Bassinet

    Noémie Bassinet


    Very nice guesthouse. Clean, a bit cold when the heater is not activated but it is really fine. The common room is really nice. The staff speak good English and is really helpful. There is a rooftop that must be amazing in hotter season. The kitchen is fully equipped. Showers are good. Bed is quite comfy. Good location as well, I will come back !

  • shiling koh

    shiling koh


    Super cozy and unique hostel. Do take note it’s a female only hostel. Security wise it’s really great knowing it’s all female. Cleanliness: top notch Comfort: would recommend the single room for more privacy Facilities: shared kitchen, shared bath room, living room/rec room and a beautiful rooftop area Location: about 10-15mins away from the city center by tram.

  • Cheshire Cat

    Cheshire Cat


    I very much enjoyed my stay here! The hostel's decoration is just amazing, with much love for details. The owner was super friendly and helpful and I loved the dyeing session he offers on demand. Even though I stayed in the dormitory and my sleep was a bit disrupted by some snoring and early morning activities, the beds were very comfortable and room dividers and lockable chests gave some coziness and privacy. It might have been one of the best places in whole japan I stayed so far and would gladly stay there again when I visit Kumamoto again.

najbliższy Kwatera

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