Dai-ni Sunrise Hotel w Kumamoto

JaponiaDai-ni Sunrise Hotel


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-8-26 Kuhonji, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 862-0976, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 96-363-2151
strona internetowej: dainisunrisehotel.jphotel.site
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7994785, Longitude: 130.7140323

komentarze 5

  • manabucy T

    manabucy T


    The location is across a river from the downtown area. It's a 10-15 minute walk, but it's not far. Because it is far from the downtown area, it is not noisy and you can relax. Convenience store is about 5 minutes walk... The rooms are standard for a normal business hotel. The front staff is also courteous.

  • 薩摩の一匹狼



    The hotel staff's response is very good. In terms of location, you can walk to the downtown area in about 10 minutes. However, the walls are thin and the voices of nearby guests on the phone and loud snoring can leak through. I guess it depends on your luck with the room allocation... If you don't mind sound leakage or just want to stay overnight, I think it's a very good value for money.

  • iggy520



    Was worried staying here at first, but the front desk were helpful and friendly. Rooms were basic, and could use a bit more cleaning details (like under the beds). However, each room has a very strong individual internet connection. When I say strong, like playing games in NA with no disconnects. Each room also had a powerful AC and the coin laundry is decent.

  • meruru Meer

    meruru Meer


    dirty,and everything is old...

  • Kong Chung Hwa

    Kong Chung Hwa


    This hotel may be a bit old but it's very clean and well maintained, staff are extremely helpful, spoke English quite well and their dinner recommendations were very good.. They even allowed us to change from a double bed room to a twin single bed room despite getting my booking wrong and when I forgot my fruit juice in the fridge, they even transferred it to the fridge in the new room.. All I could say is, the staff are excellent and I will definitely come again because of it.. location is strategic as well

najbliższy Kwatera

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