Dohtonbori en Sakura




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391 Sakurano, Sakura, Tochigi 329-1312, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 28-611-1378
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.6809277, Longitude: 139.9719667

comentarios 5

  • 三wtp



    Just the other day, I went to an all-you-can-eat course to celebrate my friend's birthday. The taste and the staff's response were very good. but, Even though it's all-you-can-eat for 120 minutes, I think the last order is 70 minutes, which is short. I want it to be at least 90 minutes. I was always grilling it and eating it, but it was still not enough. Neither my friend nor I were full. I've had all-you-can-eat meals before, but this is the first time I've paid without feeling bloated. Isn't it short for 120 minutes of all-you-can-eat and the last order starts at 70 minutes?

  • Ines Elboughdiri

    Ines Elboughdiri


    You can cook yourself the Yakisoba, it was a wonderful experience.

  • Eman01 Sato

    Eman01 Sato


    It's a delicious food

  • Chaminda Madugalle

    Chaminda Madugalle


    One of the most delicious okonomiyaki chain-restaurants in Japan. Different types of menu available. There are several All-you-can-eat sets as well. Time limit is there, last order is 50mins before. If can eat a lot it’s fine but, the taste is not difference much. Only the main ingredients differs. Varieties very good for All-you-can-eat simple plan. Shrimp, pork, squids, octopus and various cheese-in items are there. Price of the drink bar different from time to time. Various drinks are available. Better not to go in rush ours, distance between tables not good enough. Friendly staff.

  • Amit Kumar

    Amit Kumar


    I had only tried Okonomiyaki at Cherry Blossom festivals and didn't think they deserved the hype. This place changed that. They also are quite understanding if you do not eat meat or only eat halal and will prepare items without meat.

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