ポン・ヌフ en Utsunomiya




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2834-297 Kamitomatsurichō, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 320-0051, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 28-627-1717
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.5855569, Longitude: 139.876902

comentarios 5

  • みそしる



    The food is polite This is French. I was very satisfied Thank you for the congratulations 🎂 The night view is also wonderful, I want to go there again.

  • syongo lolo

    syongo lolo


    I think it is one of the most famous French restaurants in Utsunomiya and a pioneer. If you order both fish and meat from the appetizer to the main course, the portion will be quite large and I think even big eaters will be satisfied. All of the dishes are of a very high standard, and the cost performance is too good to be true. I love this restaurant because it's family-run, comfortable, and has a great view. It has become difficult to make reservations recently, but I can't help it. This is a store that I want you to do your best at.

  • Iron Number4

    Iron Number4


    French cuisine has a very delicate and elegant taste. However, it has a casual feel that allows you to eat without worrying too much. The staff was very polite and welcomed us warmly. I had the course, and I was able to thoroughly enjoy the delicate flavors starting from the appetizers. The large scallops were a little undercooked, so I deducted one star for this dish, but other than that I was very satisfied. I think it's a good restaurant to visit with your loved ones.

  • Ritsu- Naja

    Ritsu- Naja


    I visited on my husband's birthday. There are two courses to choose from, A course and B course, and the main content you can choose will change. The B course has a large amount of appetizers. I ordered the B course which is 6,000 yen with one main dish. The customer service was polite and I had a great time. The dessert plate was a surprise with Happy Birthday and fireworks. Thank you very much 😊 I will visit you again.

  • Shiro Taka

    Shiro Taka


    Use of dinner. I used it for private use. It's been a while since I last visited, but the food was still delicious. And the volume. The portion was enough to satisfy even a man, and by the end I was full. The great thing about this place is that you can choose everything except the appetizers: appetizer platter, soup, fish dishes, meat dishes, and desserts. The food was very smooth and I really enjoyed it. I would like to visit again.

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