大石家 i Tajimi




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1-chōme-139 Hikarigaoka, Tajimi, Gifu 507-0052, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 572-22-5811
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Latitude: 35.34417, Longitude: 137.110456

kommentar 5

  • もろ



    Touring from Nagoya, We were talking about going to eat ramen. I went Even though it was before the store opened, Let me enter the store early... It was a restaurant that only served Chinese noodles. I ordered a large serving of chashu men and a small bowl of rice. There was quite a bit of chashu, Easy to eat size and... The soup was delicious, and the proprietress and staff were very nice. The atmosphere was good and the food was delicious.

  • I K. (いまぴー)

    I K. (いまぴー)


    Last time I visited, it was a holiday so I couldn't eat there. This time, on my way back from the imported car show in Tajimi, I was planning to head to the noodle shop Morita, but it turned out that I wouldn't be able to make it in time for the last order, so I changed my mind to Oishiya instead. Perhaps because it was late, I got it right away and ordered a large bowl of Chinese noodles. After a while, the clerk brought it over and my first impression was that it looked like THE Chinese noodles. Even if you eat it, it feels like THE Chinese noodles, and is it currently closed in Gifu City? There was a restaurant called Matsuwaka near Gifu High School where I went to eat, and it was also like THE Chinese Soba, but it felt more friendly. Recently, there are many new types of ramen such as niboshi and shrimp, but Oishi's Chinese noodles were really delicious. I'll be there again...

  • くぼたゆうさく



    THE Chinese noodles! It was a restaurant like that, and it was very delicious 😊 There is a line outside the store, but the rotation is very fast and you can eat right away! I ordered a large serving of chashu men (1300 yen)! The char siu was grilled crispy on the outside and delicious. Basically, there is only Chinese noodles, rice, and beer, so I end up craving fried rice and gyoza🥟!

  • Ross McEwen-Page

    Ross McEwen-Page


    Generous helping, fantastic broth and run by the same person for a long time.

  • miyuki mizorogi

    miyuki mizorogi


    It is very tasty and thick Char-siu pork.

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