Kisoji Nishikiten i Nagoya

JapanKisoji Nishikiten



🕗 åbningstider

3-chōme-20-15 Nishiki, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0003, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 50-5485-3657
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.169903, Longitude: 136.902954

kommentar 5

  • Jacky Chun

    Jacky Chun


    Coming in group of 6 , we like the Sukiyaki . Han is very good staff , always take a good care of us, explain every dishes in very details. We will come back

  • Katsuyoshi Yamauchi

    Katsuyoshi Yamauchi


    Excellent service at this Japanese restaurant. I recommend the extra meat option - the beef in their Sukiyaki is juicy and tasty, even without being Wagyu. Good value for the quality offered.

  • James Wong

    James Wong


    Quite an experience dining here. They serve the biggest shabu shabu slices I've ever seen. The waitress even helped cooked the meat for every individual. The quality of food, plating, service is top notch. Prepare to pay a premium for it though.

  • KW



    We ordered shabushabu with the top quality beef, a quite clear soup with not much flavor. The beef is great but portion is a bit small. Vegetables got a lot though. Price around hkd 750, 10500 yen per person. Extraordinarily good service, with English menu, wifi available.

  • M Chee

    M Chee


    The friendly staff dipped the thin slices of beef in the hot pot for a few seconds to show us, and the texture and taste were delicate, we felt it was superior beef. The kishimen that was served at the end of the meal seemed to be very chunky but could be the Nagoya style. Overall, a very satisfying experience of shabu shabu.

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