FUTURO cafe+dining i Kasugai

JapanFUTURO cafe+dining



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒487-0025 Aichi, Kasugai, Tegawachō, 2-chōme−6−1
kontakter telefon: +81 568-29-7990
internet side: futurocafe.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.2674702, Longitude: 137.0190599

kommentar 5

  • ゆっきーー



    I went there for lunch with my large dog. Just to be sure, I made a reservation over the phone. The owner of the shop, the mother, was kind and talked to my dog, who was a little nervous, from a reasonable distance, and I was happy to see her as someone who really understood how dogs were feeling. For lunch, I ordered the No. 1 spare ribs based on word of mouth, and it was a great decision! The meat is perfectly stewed and has a rich flavor that makes you want to eat it again. You can park in the parking lot in front of the store, but if you are not confident in driving, I think it would be better to park in a parking lot a little further away. I was happy that there was a good shop in Kasugai City as well. I will go eat there again!

  • コロンとアリス



    This is a cafe that I have been visiting from time to time since I had my previous pet dog🐶 I've been going there for about 20 years, and Futuro's spare ribs are exquisite, and they've been as delicious as ever since they opened 🎶 It's so soft that you can easily eat it with chopsticks. The atmosphere of the shop is nice, and the owner always greets you kindly. Dogs are welcome in the restaurant, there is also a menu for dogs, the food is delicious and the atmosphere is nice✨ I don't think there are any cafes this nice ☺️ I will visit you again ❣️

  • C F (まる君ママ)

    C F (まる君ママ)


    Inside the store 🐶 OK ❣️ The menu was extensive and the spareri brunch was really delicious ✨ The staff was kind and cozy 💕 I would like to visit again ☺️

  • haru haru

    haru haru


    I had a wonderful time with my dog ​​and delicious food in a stylish space. I was also happy to have my dog ​​sit on the chair! There were so many dishes on the menu that I couldn't decide which one to choose, but I decided on curry. Appetizers, curry, and desserts were all delicious and plentiful. Next time, I'm going to order the spare ribs, which looked delicious, and the dog menu. This store is recommended for dog lovers!

  • Amazing Yuki

    Amazing Yuki


    The cafe itself was a little bit small but it the atmosphere was very warm. Good food also.

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