喫茶&軽食キャロット i Iwaki




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒970-8026 Fukushima, Iwaki, Taira, Dōjimachi−4−4−21
kontakter telefon: +81 246-21-1925
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 37.051809, Longitude: 140.8848902

kommentar 5

  • DMS tattoo

    DMS tattoo


    Daily stir-fried vegetable set meal.

  • む


    I ordered the ginger grilled set meal (880 yen). Fried ginger with a strong soy sauce and fluffy rice. The lightly flavored miso soup with crunchy seaweed, which is rare in this area, goes well with the strong flavor of the ginger grill. The accompanying wild vegetable dip was also delicious. The coffee after the meal was strong and had a slightly sour taste. This is a Showa-era coffee shop with an atmosphere that is becoming rare these days. It was quite delicious. Thank you for the meal.

  • Takao SUZUKI

    Takao SUZUKI


    I entered the store around 10:30 a.m. on a weekday. This is an old-fashioned, quaint coffee shop. The restaurant has a counter and two-person tables, and the tables are spaced apart so you can feel safe. I ordered a blended coffee, and it was easy to drink with a slight sweetness and sourness. The downside is that the parking lot is a little difficult to get into, but the store and the moms here are very friendly.

  • さむ



    Lunch includes a drink. The daily set meal is good, but the ginger grilled set meal is exquisite. Smoking is prohibited inside the store.

  • えりもむらさき



    Aba-chan is doing it alone. Mom's taste simple is the best!! ️

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