Country Hotel Niigata i Niigata

JapanCountry Hotel Niigata


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Japan, 〒951-8067 Niigata, Chuo Ward, Honchōdōri, 6 Banchō−1140−1 カントリーホテル新潟 1階フロア
kontakter telefon: +81 25-229-3300
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.9213059, Longitude: 139.0469679

kommentar 5

  • Hsu Htoo

    Hsu Htoo


    It located in down town. It is near the 24 hours covenience stores. And the restaurant which is at the first floor serve nice food and their price is fair. The hotel room are clean and their service is nice. You can go to the hotel by bus from niigata station.

  • Mukesh Dangol

    Mukesh Dangol


    Nice hotel, affordable and reasonable price! The rooms are superbly clean. Staffs are always smiling.

  • a b

    a b


    Located in the main down-town area near the beach in Niigata, this is an excellent and affordable option for people coming to the City for traveling or work. Free coffee, with comfortable and impressive rooms minus the views. Good for staying for one or two nights.

  • Анна ***

    Анна ***


    Good for this money.Cleaning every day, central placement)

  • Leo L

    Leo L


    Convenient location , helpful staff , clean rooms , very reasonable price for extended stay guests

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