Coffee Shop アドニス i Fuji

JapanCoffee Shop アドニス



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2-chōme-3-16 Yoshiwara, Fuji, Shizuoka 417-0051, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 545-52-0557
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.1632945, Longitude: 138.68452

kommentar 5

  • 望月亜希子



    I went to hear a saxophone performance. It looks like a Tsuke Neapolitan shop. The retro Showa era interior of the store was very cute. I'm not good at coffee shops, but I've calmed down for the first time in a while. There is also a coin parking nearby, which is convenient. Food is served quickly. Drinks are served quickly. The staff at the store are also very kind. It's a store I want to go to again and again.

  • Takashi K

    Takashi K


    Fuji City Gourmet Tsuke Neapolitan shop. It's more delicious than I imagined and has a lot of volume. It's also great because it has so many ingredients and can be eaten in so many different ways. Finally, we finished off with soup and rice.

  • はじめてのSECOM



    I wanted to go and see Adonis. After reading the reviews from my predecessors, I parked my car at the affiliated parking lot 🅿️. I arrived a little late around 2pm and was able to sit down without having to wait. I ordered a dipping Neapolitan and an Adonis hamburger 😊 I was excited by the atmosphere of the restaurant. . It will be served in about 10 minutes. I was really looking forward to it, so I was really excited 🔥 I was especially excited about the hamburger steak. . . 🤤 A new genre. . The dipping Neapolitan was delicious. I'm always looking forward to changing the flavor, the chicken is juicy, the egg is gooey, and the cheese is 🧀 tangled. . . We had delicious! There is also soup split. It's dashi soup. With this quality, I would like to repeat it for around 1200 yen, but I feel it is a bit expensive. Great for memories of your trip ♪👌

  • Canal Dobon

    Canal Dobon


    As a Japanese style cafe, it was full of the mood of a real retro coffee shop, which is rare, and it is comfortable. If you take the famous Tsuke Neapolitan ( Pasta with dip tomato soup) as a meal, it will be 1,690 yen with too many toppings (no coffee ❗️). It is recommended for travelers but not local people.

  • 堀家泰之



    This restaurant is said to be the originator of the local gourmet dish, Tsuke Neapolitan. The appearance of a good old coffee shop. The Tsuke Neapolitan was very delicious with the combination of tomato, cheese, and sakura shrimp. On weekdays, you can finish your meal with risotto-style rice for free.

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