抹茶カフェ 花水木 i Numazu

Japan抹茶カフェ 花水木



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2-chōme-2-13 Higashimakado, Numazu, Shizuoka 410-0865, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 55-962-9674
internet side: dmhrq.crayonsite.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.0996141, Longitude: 138.8481405

kommentar 5

  • T “hagetemasu” T

    T “hagetemasu” T


    It was my first time visiting. The inside of the store was very calm and had a nice atmosphere with the warmth of wood. I would like to visit you on a date next time.

  • Don Kelone

    Don Kelone


    This Japanese cafe is located in a corner of a quiet residential area a little far from the station in Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture. The inside of the store has a calm, Japanese feel to it, and it's interesting to see Japanese goods lined up. There aren't many cafes or coffee shops where you can eat Japanese sweets, so it felt like I hadn't eaten Japanese sweets in a while. The coffee warabi mochi was innovative and good. There were 3 parking spaces.

  • ガイハート



    I happened to come across a matcha cafe while riding my bike, feeling exhausted. I came here because I wanted to drink matcha while I was taking a break 🍵 The inside of the store has a Japanese atmosphere, and you can even have a light meal. That's when I realized how lucky I was to be Japanese (lol).It was great to drink with the Japanese sweets that came with it🎶By the way, they also hold workshops and events. The shop blends into the residential area and is difficult to find, so be sure to check the map carefully ☝️

  • 45mm ROKKOR

    45mm ROKKOR


    A quiet space, a little hideaway. A shop that matches matcha. It's not that the partitions are expensive. A relaxing store. It also serves as an exhibition and sale of works. of the work I think the level is high. You can enjoy it just by looking at it. It's hard to find because it's in a residential area.

  • M



    Renewal from Mizusetsuan. The owner is a lovely madam who renovated her parents' house, giving it the feel of an old folk cafe. They also display and sell Japanese miscellaneous goods, and just looking at them is relaxing. ◆Hojicha latte 500 yen A bowl for making matcha? It comes out tasteful and soothing. Rather than Hojicha latte and Yu, I'd say Hojicha me. The fragrant scent of roasted green tea and gentle milk will make you feel relieved. Parking lot: 3 cars 2 table seats, counter seats available

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