喫茶 ルー i Fuji

Japan喫茶 ルー



🕗 åbningstider

63-13 Kawanarijima, Fuji, Shizuoka 416-0939, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 545-61-1617
internet side: rouxfuji.web.fc2.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.1424691, Longitude: 138.6717338

kommentar 5

  • 鈴木洋行



    The rice is soft. Yakisoba noodles are also soft. Pasta is average. The store is clean, spacious, and very nice. Water and drinks are self-service. There are no counter seats, only table seats.

  • まんかんほ(モアライス)



    A convenient store for lunchtime, similar to a coffee shop. The inside of the store is bright and sunny. Easy to see along the road. What I ate was "Mt. Fuji 650 yen" Thank you for the meal (⌒▽⌒)

  • 加藤裕之



    Curry and Yakisoba are exquisite! We recommend the Mt.Fuji serving, which is served on one plate.

  • M



    The taste is normal. But the store clerk is friendly. (Maybe the owner?) Also, it's a shop in a corner of the city, and the prices are reasonable, so if there was a shop like this near my house, I'd go there often❗ That's what I thought (lol)

  • 早川敏子



    Today I ate the curry set from three types of breakfast. It's elaborate. The curry is beef curry, and it's well stewed and the meat is streaky. Not too spicy, just right. The salad has many items such as sunny, cabbage, cucumber, tomato, white asparagus, lemon, and strawberry.The shredded cabbage is very fine 🎵 It's only open on weekdays, but if you call to confirm business hours and the store is open, they'll accommodate you.

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