Clayton Bay Hotel i Kure

JapanClayton Bay Hotel



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Søndagåben 24 timer
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3-3 Tsukijichō, Kure, Hiroshima 737-0822, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 823-26-1111
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.243985, Longitude: 132.5456423

kommentar 5

  • Jeffrey



    I was very surprised by this hotel. On the outside, it looks a bit old and tired. On the inside, the room was fully renovated and very beautiful. It was a luxury experience for a good price. The staff was very professional and the restaurant was much better than expected for a hotel. The breakfast was beautiful and made my a professional chef.

  • Bodo is really my name

    Bodo is really my name


    Decent room, but more on the business hotel side. Although there are pictures of a “big bath“, it is not accessible for hotel guests. Breakfast is no longer served in buffet style, but as a set menu. Drinks are served at a bar. Breakfast location on the top floor has a good view on the harbor. Breakfast on the first day was a little disappointing. On the second day, it turned out to be much better.

  • Harold Archer

    Harold Archer


    Tried the Kaga aircraft curry, tasty. They have different curries for each vessel, including submarines. A pamphlet will tell you where to go.

  • Robert Peterson

    Robert Peterson


    Very nice hotel. Great staff. Rooms are not as small as your traditional Japanese hotels.

  • Anthony Lin

    Anthony Lin


    very nice rooms, very polite staff. only problem is that it's not that close to the train station, or anything, other than a pachinko parlor.

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