創業昭和十二年 四方平(よもへい) w Kitakyushu

Japonia創業昭和十二年 四方平(よもへい)



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-2-22 Kyōmachi, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 802-0002, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 93-521-0323
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.8853163, Longitude: 130.8782194

komentarze 5

  • MR. FAT

    MR. FAT


    I received the ramen set. A nostalgic light soy sauce ramen with tekkamaki. It has a really gentle seasoning that makes you feel relieved. This is a store I would like to visit again.

  • supervisor



    I ordered the ramen set for ¥800. Choose the thinly rolled plum cucumber (with gari). As soon as I ate the two thin rolls, the ramen bowl arrived. Although the chicken bones are thoroughly stewed, the soup has an elegant aroma and is smooth. Only available at a sushi restaurant, the aroma is suppressed to the level of shellfish soup. It's a friendly and delicious restaurant where you can feel the care.

  • flamer 918

    flamer 918


    Business trip to Kokura. First, let's head towards Kokura Castle. Enjoy some ramen on the way! Search for ramen in the style of a sushi restaurant? This place has a lot of history. I wanted to get the triple set with gyoza, but unfortunately it was out of stock. This time it's a ramen set. I had a choice of rolls and chose Tekkamaki. The ramen made me feel like I was in Kyushu, and it was so delicious. When you eat a roll, you're definitely at a sushi restaurant. Eating ramen at the sushi counter may be something out of the ordinary, but the regulars are taking their naps and sipping on bottled beer, so it's a sushi restaurant after all.

  • gokko kuhaku

    gokko kuhaku


    What a wonderful restaurant where you can enjoy sushi and ramen at the same time (*゚∀゚) Moreover, the photos displayed inside the shop are also interesting! It's hard to imagine elephants walking around town these days. The restaurant is run by an elderly owner and has a relaxing atmosphere. The atmosphere was such that the regular customers were all good people, so I was able to leave Kokura feeling glad that I came (*゚∀゚)

  • yh loon

    yh loon


    The ramen is good. The soup is not too salty with its pork riched in flavor. I order the nigiri sushi set. The fish used is so fresh.

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