日の出食堂 w Kitakyushu




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒802-0076 Fukuoka, Kitakyushu, Kokurakita Ward, Nakashima, 1-chōme−17−25 日の出食堂
kontakt telefon: +81 93-383-5208
strona internetowej: instagram.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.8769077, Longitude: 130.878978

komentarze 5

  • びん



    I used it a few times a few years ago, but I stopped going because the flavor was generally too strong. I went there for the first time in a long time and it was so delicious (lol) I didn't feel the taste was too strong 😋 It seems like after the coronavirus outbreak, the business hours are different from before and they are no longer open at night. I decided to go again from now on 😁 The daily menu looks delicious (^o^)

  • コロナマーク2



    I visited on a Saturday at 2:15 p.m. Half of the menu items are sold out!? I received fried rice (with miso soup) for ¥700. It's not flaky, but the seasoning is delicious.

  • Mimura Miwa

    Mimura Miwa


    It was delicious~ It's a bit much, but the rice is delicious and you can eat it wholeheartedly😁 It looked busy so I had to wait a while, but I was able to relax and chat with my friends.

  • とんこつ



    Used for lunch. I ordered the stir-fried vegetable set meal (850 yen). There was a bit of a delay from ordering to serving, perhaps because they were open in parallel with takeout, but they had manga on display, so I didn't have to worry about waiting. Stir-fried vegetables, simmered dishes, miso soup, and the gentle taste of home cooking. I think it's nutritionally balanced and good for the body. There is only one parking space right next to the store. Payment also supported PayPay. The store was clean and the customer service was polite. The only thing I felt was that it opened at 12:00 noon, which was a little late and a problem. It's recommended when you're hungry for home-cooked food. Due to the recent economic situation, the price has increased slightly from the previous price, but that can't be helped.

  • sasurai albatross

    sasurai albatross


    This is a set meal restaurant that focuses on home-style menu items. I had the miso-stewed mackerel set meal, and it was very carefully prepared and very delicious. The price is also normal and not expensive. However, the parking lot is small and only has room for one car.

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