Seafood BBQ Mekiki-no-Ginji Kokura Station w Kitakyushu

JaponiaSeafood BBQ Mekiki-no-Ginji Kokura Station



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Japan, 怒802-0001 Fukuoka, Kitakyushu, Kokurakita Ward, Asano, 2-chōmeāˆ’14āˆ’ļ¼• 恂悋恂悋City äø€éšŽ
kontakt telefon: +81 93-512-1488
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 33.8875419, Longitude: 130.8847304

komentarze 5

  • Nuri



    I heard that they were often turned down because my child was young, so I looked into it and ended up going because it had a kids menu and was close to my accommodation. Unlike other izakaya, it was spacious and there was no smoking atmosphere, which was nice. Otoshi costs 484 yen and comes with some snacks that can be grilled on a burner. The basic cost of Nomihodai is 1,500 yen, but there is an additional option of 300 yen if you want to drink draft beer. But please, please give me an additional option. I ordered lemon and grapefruit among the optional apples, and half of them came whole, so I could change them myself. It was very fresh and delicious. All of the snacks were delicious, to say the least. In particular, I remember gyoza the most. There was a particularly friendly person among the clerks, so I was able to end the day on a good note. How did they know when we had finished drinking, so they came in advance and took our order... They were friendly until the very end. (Thank you, Matsuhara-san!)

  • ė³“ģ„±ė†ˆģ°Ø



    The Japanese style staff is friendly and you can see the Korean menu by pressing the QR on the back of the menu. It's cheap and delicious. Please note that in Japan there is a seat tax per person of about 4,000 won ^^ I recommend taking out grilled Lim Yeonsu as a side dish.

  • momoć¼



    Use the 3500 yen course In conclusion, I don't think there will be a second time. It was good point The alcohol that I ordered for the all-you-can-drink service is brought out quite often. (Although I felt like the second half was a bit weak) The rice itself tastes delicious. The atmosphere of the store is bright and not bad. The clerk doesn't feel bad either. Bad points First of all, I don't understand the point of having customers set up the gas stove. And it's pretty bad I ordered a course meal, but the hotpot and ramen to finish came out 30 minutes after the start. I do not get it it What's even more confusing is that the three fried dishes for the course haven't arrived yet, so when I check, they say they're being fried right now. Is it finished? I'm confused, but there's still time, so I can still drink some fried chicken. What I thought came out was fried rice crackers, seafood croquettes, and potatoes. Isn't this the one that comes out at the beginning of the course? So, I wasn't satisfied with it, so I asked for something called Ganganyaki, but they said, "It's already finished." We came to the store at 6pm. There aren't many customers around, though. I will understand if you need to make a reservation in advance, and I will ask when ordering. Not a single word of that was said. There are good parts, but the bad outweighs them. It was a difficult store to recommend.

  • ć‚†ćć”



    It was a Saturday night and there were plenty of seats available. The freshness of the sashimi is at the same level as conveyor belt sushi restaurants that serve capsule toys. Drinks are served quickly but food is served slowly.

  • Baby Panda

    Baby Panda


    This is an affiliated store of Monte Rosa, which is famous for Shirokiya, Uotami, and Laughter. Seafood and sashimi are average for conveyor belt sushi, but I think tempura and grilled dishes are okay. Please note that there will be a seat fee of 437 yen per person. Also, for the all-you-can-drink option, each person must order two or more dishes that cost 300 yen each. However, many of the dishes I want to eat are less than 300 yen, so I end up ordering things I don't need and leaving behind! Ī£(Ɨ_Ɨ;)! And this time I ordered an all-you-can-drink course and used a coupon, but the coupons are handled a bit suspiciously.

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